by | | Backlight love, Before and Afters, Boudoir Accessories, Boudoir Makeup, Fine Art Boudoir |
I had the pleasure of putting this session together to really show the potential of my home studio space. I’m so blown away by this client’s natural beauty and by the makeup and hair that my talented stylists put together for her. I hope you’ll enjoy...
by | | Backlight love, Boudoir outfit ideas, Boudoir Poses, Boudoir Tips, Bridal Boudoir |
Tip #3 may seem like a little thing but that itchy tag can show up in your photos, too! Boudoir Tip #3: Cut out those annoying tags! Those itchy tags in your lingerie can show up in your photos and who wants that? Be sure to snip out the tags from any bras, panties or...
by | | Backlight love, Boudoir outfit ideas, Boudoir Poses, Featured Session |
A look inside a recent session – thank you to my gorgeous and sexy client for allowing me to show you an anonymous peek into her session! Are you ready to book your Curves Boudoir session? The holidays are coming – believe it or not! And I’m booking...
by | | Backlight love, Boudoir Marathons, Boudoir Poses, Virginia Beach Boudoir |
I get questions about the difference is between a home studio boudoir session and a marathon boudoir session. Sometimes marathon boudoir sessions may imply or even mean that the session itself is shorter or doesn’t include the typical offerings of a full...
by | | Backlight love, Boudoir Accessories, Boudoir outfit ideas, Boudoir Poses, Northern Virginia Boudoir, Virginia Beach Boudoir |
She told me up front that she had a Marilyn Monroe-like beauty mark and she wanted to play off classic Marilyn poses. The night before her session I spotted this scarf in Target of all places – and it reminded me a lot of the one I’ve seen in the Marilyn...