Booking a boudoir photo session is outside the comfort zone for a lot of my clients – we all feel a little vulnerable when we’re not wearing much. Add a camera and posing to the mix and it’s even more outside the comfort zone. Many of my clients tell me they’re a little nervous or unsure. Many confess that they don’t feel “naturally sexy.” And many of my clients tell me they “need help” when it comes to posing. What I love is that within 5-10 minutes of a session starting, most clients begin to laugh more and get comfortable with the shoot. And by the end of a session, many clients tell me it was fun – and nearly all will say it was easier than they’d expected it to be.
If you’re thinking about a session as a gift for yourself or your loved one, read on to see what my recent clients have shared with me about their experience. I particularly love the notes from my client’s husbands – our loved ones see us through a filter like none other. They don’t see the 15 pounds we always want to lose or the wrinkles we fight with creams. And I adore it when my clients see their own beauty through the eyes of their boyfriend/husband, etc.
Ready to book a Curves Boudoir session? Email me at [email protected] to get started today!
Here are some recent notes I’ve received:
“My wife recently did a photo shoot with you. Wow! She gave me the photo book last night after a romantic Valentine’s dinner. This is undoubtedly the best gift I received in a long time. In this day and age, guys are bombarded by sex in images be it on television, in Victoria Secret ads, advertisements, etc. As a male, I believe this is one of the hardest times men have ever lived in. These images give a false perception of what women should look like, and cause the object of your sexual desire to be distracted from where it should be — your wife. I am so thankful that you captured the beauty of my wife so wonderfully. I knew she was beautiful, but the pictures accentuate her with classy sexuality. It has added to her growing confidence in her body, and I wanted to thank you personally. Keep up the good work!”
My husband Tim got his album from my Boudoir shoot. I have a feeling you may be getting a thank you email separately from him since he asked for your email address, but here’s what he said in his email to me after he got it My husband is not normally that excited when he talks, haha! I am so grateful that I worked up the courage to go ahead and have these pictures done. It’s making my husband look forward to homecoming even more!! Thank you again for taking such wonderful pictures, for being so professional, and so easy to work with. The album was just what Tim needed to give him the extra boost to get him through these last couple of months of deployment. And it made me smile like I haven’t smiled in weeks to hear this sort of reaction out of him. Thank you, thank you, thank you again!!!
“I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved every single thing about every single picture. On a scale from 1 to 10, you were at least a 93,405 in each picture.The photographer did a fabulous job. This is the best gift EVER.”
“Thanks again SO much for helping me give Jonathan the BEST Valentine’s Day gift EVER! He drove in to Virginia Beach this past weekend so we could spend a few days together, and he opened his gift on Friday! I wish you could have seen him– he was breathless, and said it was the “Best gift he’s EVER received!” Honest to God he was shaky he loved it so much. You are amazing, and will most definitely be keeping you in mind for our wedding photos when the time comes.”
“I am so happy to have stumbled upon your website. This was an unexpected experience and has definitely been an interesting journey for me. While I had some moments of doubt and a few self-esteem stumbles while preparing for the session, I like where the journey has ultimately taken me-to a more confident place where I can accept and, dare I say, love myself and my body. Even though this was intended to be a gift for my husband, it has turned out to be a gift to myself. For that, I am truly grateful to you.”