If you’ve landed here, you are probably thinking about doing a women’s glamour photography session or a boudoir session – but you’re not sure if it’s right for YOU. And the answer is, YES! It’s right for you! I want to CRUSH the modern standard of youth and celebrate women of ALL ages AND stages!

I photograph women of all ages. In fact, over the last few years, I’ve felt a real connection with photographing women who may originally have wondered, “Am I too old to do a boudoir session?” Many times they email or call me and ask timidly if I am comfortable working with them.

A thousand times, YES! If you’ve been thinking about doing a boudoir session or what we once called “women’s glamour photography” – you’ve come to the right place. YOUR AGE DOES NOT MATTER! I love working with women who are celebrating extraordinary anniversaries. I’ve created glamour and boudoir albums and gifts for anniversaries and birthdays – from First Anniversaries to 39th Wedding Anniversaries.

One of my favorite clients recently wrote this after her session experience:

“Thank you so much for making my session so easy and enjoyable. I really wanted to do this for my husband for our 39th anniversary but I never thought I would have the nerve at 62-years-old! When I walked into your lovely home and met you, I felt very relaxed and knew it was going to be fine. I loved your website and thought it was so informative. The session was a great experience for me and I really think I learned a lot about myself, it gave me new confidence. I cannot wait to see the look on my husband’s face when he looks at the pictures. I feel like I have made a new friend.”

Do you relate to what she shared? She told me when we first talked, that she was worried because she didn’t have the perfect body. She shared her fears about loose skin, wrinkles and scars. But after her session, she told me she’d never felt better about herself. And, her husband LOVED his gift!

Maybe you want more of a Women’s glamour photography session in which you wear “regular clothes,” or maybe you want to be ore daring and shoot a traditional boudoir session in lingerie. Or, better yet – we can photograph a combination of both – you get photos you can frame for your loved-ones desk or slip in their wallet – AND you get those private photos for the two of you to celebrate your beauty!

All of my sessions are highly customized to each amazing client. From the type of poses, to the outfits you choose and the style of makeup and hair you are wearing. The most important thing is for you to make the first step! Contact me! So use the Contact Form on this website, or feel free to email me at [email protected] – and let’s set up a time to talk more about customizing a session that will celebrate who you are in this moment!

Here are some of the beautiful women I’ve photographed recently who have embraced their vibrant, radiant selves! As you can see, their images range from dressed up in their favorite dress, to the classic beauty of white sheets to the dark and super sexy shots – your session can be anything you’d like.

And here’s a beautiful Before / After Makeup & Hair – We love bringing out your best features. She has such incredible eyes!